Making it through a long winter

Making it through a long winter

How to Keep Your Almond Trees Healthy and Productive

by Vicki Harvey

Almond trees are not only beautiful but also valuable assets on your farm. You must take proper care of your trees to ensure their longevity and productivity. This blog post shares essential tips and practices to help you keep your almond trees healthy and productive throughout their lifecycle.

Selecting Healthy Almond Trees

Choosing the right almond trees for your farm is the first step towards ensuring their health and productivity. Look for the following characteristics when selecting trees:

Disease and Pest Resistance

Opt for almond tree varieties that are resistant to common diseases and pests prevalent in your region. This will reduce the risk of potential damage and the need for excessive pesticide use.

Strong Rootstock

Select trees with strong and well-developed root systems. Robust rootstocks improve the tree's ability to absorb nutrients and water, making it more resilient against environmental stressors.

Proper Watering Techniques

Water plays a key role in the growth and development of almond trees. Follow these guidelines to ensure optimal watering practices:

Deep and Infrequent Watering

Almond trees prefer deep root growth, so water them deeply and less frequently. This encourages the roots to penetrate deeper into the soil, making the tree more drought-tolerant in the long run.

Monitoring Soil Moisture

Regularly check the soil moisture level using a soil moisture meter. Almond trees require well-drained soil, so avoid overwatering, as it can result in root rot.

Nutrient Management

Providing the right balance of nutrients is vital for the health and productivity of almond trees. Consider the following aspects:

Soil Testing

Conduct regular soil tests to determine nutrient deficiencies. Based on the results, apply appropriate fertilisers to meet the specific needs of your almond trees.

Micronutrient Supplementation

Almonds have specific micronutrient requirements. Regularly monitor the tree's nutrient uptake and consider supplementing it with micronutrients like zinc, iron and boron if necessary.

Pruning and Training

Proper pruning and training of almond trees promote strong structure, adequate sunlight penetration and better air circulation. Follow these practices:

Formative Pruning

Conduct formative pruning during the early years to shape the tree and establish a strong framework. Remove any competing or crossing branches to maintain an open and well-ventilated canopy.

Pruning for Disease

Regularly prune and remove dead or diseased branches to prevent the spread of diseases. Create sufficient space between trees to allow for proper airflow and reduce the risk of fungal infections.


You can keep your almond trees healthy and productive by selecting healthy trees, implementing proper watering techniques, managing nutrients effectively and practising appropriate pruning methods.

For more info about Australian almonds, contact a local company. 


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Making it through a long winter

It's always tricky dealing with the swings of the weather when you are a farmer. You can suffer if there is too much rain, not enough rain or even rain at the wrong time of the year. It can make it really challenging to have enough feed for livestock or to be able to harvest a crop later in the year if you are a crop farmer. Often there are some relatively simple things you can do to manage these issues, including buying supplemental feeds or running drainage ditches. This blog is about managing all of the events that can happen over a long winter as a farmer or farm manager.
